Tomorrow we celebrate one of historys most momentous events. The Protestant Reformation. In October 1517 Martin Luther lodged a protest against an almost pagan Medieval Roman Church that has continued to have a ripple effect into our 21st century. Martin Luther and the other Reformers rediscovered the Biblical doctrines of grace that have become the heartcry of believers around the world. The good news of the gospel is that sinners are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ Alone as revealed in Scripture alone to the glory of God alone. Amen!
I hope you enjoyed the many memorials, seminars, studies and celebrations that happened in our churches, particularly over this Reformation weekend.
Our REACH500 campaign has certainly been hugely successful from an activity point of view. The goal was for each local church to share the gospel with 500+ people in this 500th anniversary year of the Reformation. We continue to receive reports of gospel events and opportunities from across the country. Some of our congregations have passed the 500 mark and others are continuing into the next year. Phase two of this challenge will be the READ-500 challenge which picks up on the discipleship angle of evangelism. Each region in our country is being challenged to produce 500 people who read the Bible 1-2-1 with 500 others. Already there is much excitement and planning with regards to this goal.
Of course with all this outreach and Bible activity we are not surprised at the opposition we are experiencing from the evil one and sinful natures. Let us not forget to pray without ceasing for our gospel work and cry out to the Lord for souls to be saved. Our country is facing many desperate struggles with terrible crime levels in cities, townships and farms. Many are expressing a lack of confidence in the government and economy. We know that the only hope for our land is Jesus so let us pray for our country and hold out Christ to her people. UJesu nathi. We need not fear.
Namibia News
Where is the PB
Post of the Month
The History of the Reformation
– by R.C Sproul
Give thanks to God for new four new church plants in REACH-SA this year. Pray for growth during the critical early stages of their ministries.
Pray regularly for all our gospel workers, ministers and bishops. Things get very pressured as we head to the Christmas season.
Remember our Administrator, James Schonegevel and his family on the passing of his mother this week.
Continue to pray for Bishop Jomo Mchunu and give thanks for early signs of positive response to recent cancer treatment.