Our Mission:
Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The 3 steps in our mission:
The acronym for our mission is EDT: Evangelism, Discipleship and Training. We believe these are the 3 pillars which keep the local church healthy and grounded in God’s word.
Putting EDT into Practice:
How do we Evangelise?
The Church on Earth exists to fulfil Christ’s Great Commission (Mt.28:18-20). A healthy local
church is marked by Gospel centred engagement in the local community and beyond. We preach
Christ crucified as the hope of the nations. The mission does not exclude the need to address and
minister to social issues, education and spiritual welfare. To this end, we embrace the objectives
of the Lausanne Covenant and its concern for the world’s temporal and eternal welfare.
Putting EDT into Practice:
How do we put discipleship into practice?
The Great Commission calls us to make Disciples, not just professing converts. The heart of our local church life should be centred on discipleship. God’s people meeting around God’s Word and growing in the knowledge of His truth. Maturity in Christ is the goal for every believer and the local church should be the greenhouse for such growth.
Putting EDT into Practice:
How do we train others in ministry?
Training and equipping church leaders and teachers is critical to our growth and longevity. REACH-
SA places a high focus on identifying and training Gospel ministers. We do this through local church and regional based training programs as well as correspondence and mentoring programs. The official training college for REACH-SA ministers is GWC which offers a high standard of BTh and post-grad level Theological education.