Crossword Gauteng 2015 was held at Cyara YFC in Magaliesberg again this year and it was a very blessed week. We had an exceptionally good turn out of youth as well as a superb team of leaders for which we are thankful to the Lord.


We were privileged to have Kyle Barrow speaking on Genesis. He did an excellent job challenging the youth and his talks also generated some stimulating interaction during the Q&A sessions which was a tremendous blessing. Being out in the countryside allowed us to enjoy creation as we learnt about it and truly experience the beauty of all that God created and how we should respond. As the Word of God was taught we saw a wonderful response from the youth.


We had a fantastic group of leaders who worked tirelessly to share Christ with the teens in small groups and encourage them towards a relationship with Jesus. We also had a very strong team of functional assistants who worked behind the scenes to ensure that everything was organised and flowed so that the program ran smoothly.  The activities team used much initiative and imagination to prepare some wonderful activities which the youth enjoyed immensely. We also had a leadership training strand which was introduced in 2014 and continued this year where junior leaders were given excellent training which they will now take back into their churches and youth groups across Gauteng and we trust the Lord to use it to strengthen the groups as they encourage each other to live for Christ.  The training focussed on understanding the Bible and how to teach it in their groups.


Overall Crossword continues to develop well and we have been delighted to see how it has grown. We praise God for the continued growth in our camp over the last few years. We have seen Him at work to bring young people to Himself and countless others built up and strengthened in their faith growing spiritually every year and this year was no different. To Him be honour and glory forever.


Written by Bryan Haigh