Heather Stevens and Jeanine Ruppelt, both GWC correspondence students, treated 100 ladies to an afternoon of biblical reflection and personal testimony. Having wrapped up the fourth GWC module, entitled “God the Creator”, the ladies were challenged to put this theological knowledge to good use.
What developed was a lavish high tea spent taking in the Word (& five roses).
Sandra Lyons, Emmanuel Church women’s worker, MC’d the 15:00 tea superbly. Starting the afternoon with a reading of Psalm 145, verse 4 & 5 sum up the ongoings of Saturdays tea time;
4 One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.
5 On the glorious splendor of your majesty,
and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
Jeanine opened the two talks with: “Why has God revealed Himself?”, exploring common and special revelation as gifts of grace that allow us into a living relationship with the one true God. Jeanine drew on the old and new testament to paint the picture of God as Creator, Redeemer, Judge and King.
A stunning medley by Tara Henrico gave the listeners a chance to think through talk one before Heather’s talk. Heather spent time teaching the “So What!” factor of Jeanine’s talk – noting the purpose of God given revelation, as God centered worship.
Heather did an awesome job of narrowing in on what worship really means. No, worship is not only an hour spent each Sunday singing songs and trying to keep focused during the sermon.
Worship is far more than that.
Time spent in Romans 12:1 & 2 showed “worship” as the call to holy and sacrificial living – a right response to the gospel of grace. By nature, we are worshipers and so we are either worshiping the One we are created to adore or we are adoring someone (or something) else. Our hearts will always have their affections set on what we want most.
As part of our continued desire to see ladies growing in the word, before the high tea, certain Emmanuel women had committed to meet up with with those who wanted to read the bible after hearing the talks. This was the final challenge of both talks:
“Find someone to read the Word with and taste and see His goodness!”
The afternoon testified to the wonders of growing to know our Lord. We’re thankful to God for the work he has done in the lives of the speakers through the GWC correspondence course and to all the Emmanuel ladies who prepared meals, tables, sang and hosted.
Great is the Lord.